Private Lenders Care More About The Deal Than The Credit Score!
Private money lenders typically care more about the deal than they care about your credit score. They want to know you have a solid track record of flipping in order to feel good about handing you a six-figure check. They want to be protected by having a first deed of trust (mortgage) on the property, […]
Lending at full speed!!!
First Nations Finance is lending we have many products that will go up to 75%-90% loan to value. Lending institutions and wholesale buyers are not effected by Covid-19 any more. Give us a call and see what we can work out!!
Covid-19 update
We are still lending. give us a call and see what we can do for you.
What is a private lender?
A private money lender is a non-institutional (non-bank) individual or company that loans money, generally secured by a note and deed of trust, for the purpose of funding a real estate transaction. Private money lenders are generally considered more relationship-based then even a bank. Usually rates can vary, but it will get you where you […]